Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Preparing for Cuteness Overload

Some time back,  we spotted a little tortie cat in the yard.  She was terribly emaciated, so I grabbed a dish and food, placing it beside the bush she had collapsed under.  It was awful.  I prayed to Bast to protect her...she made it that day, and little by little she came to trust us.

Then I had a faithful yard companion, always ready to take a walk, or sit in the arbor while I read...

She made herself at home with the chickens just fine....perhaps a bit too much...LOL

She got well, stronger...fertile.

All this time, she had never shown an interest in coming inside.  She would peer in the windows...but at an invitation from an opened door, she would balk.  

She grew heavier, more pregnant by the day and one day...she came in.  I'd made the offer, thinking she would decline like always, but nope.  She marched right up to our bedroom, got in bed with us, and snuggled. Knowing something was up, I went and got the box I put in a sheltered location for her to deliver in outside, and brought it up to our room.  I quickly fixed a litter box downstairs, showed it to her, and resumed snuggling.

It got late...and I grew sleepy.  And she grew restless, more talkative than usual.  Her meows changed to groans and I knew she was in labor. She alternated between lying on the bed and the cool tile floor downstairs.  Don helped me to keep her calm and safe...the first and last kittens were especially traumatic.  By 4 am Nov 17, 2013 she had kittens...4 adorable little squishy piles of cuteness! 

Calleigh is such a good mama...and amazingly tolerant of intrusions with my camera.  

More cuteness:

Creamy cuteness...a dilute ginger boy.  Don's fave, too.

"Westley"...a sweet boy

Tiny tortie girl

Sweet dilute tortie girl...Mom calls her "Minnie"