Tuesday, April 8, 2014


yes...yes, I've been working on the shawl...but only after I had to rip it out, pout, and restart it.

You see, I wasn't very happy with it.  When I did my tension swatch, it looked like a size 6 (4mm) needle would be just the thing.  But as it turns out, a 5 (3.75 mm) is so much neater looking.

It's pretty...but a bit sloppy with the #6 (4 mm) needle
It's much neater with the #5 (3.75 mm)

Those pics were from a couple of days ago.  I've had some good knitting opportunities since then :

Sorry for the blurry end of day pic.

I've done 10 repeats of the budding lace chart...so I've another 4 repeats to go.

Hmmm the colors remind me of iolites and amethysts.

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