Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's been a while

since I've posted anything here...

Been busy making stuff for the UU Witches' Ball, yet...but I've been at the hospital with my mom.  She's better, ready for discharge in a few days. Yay!

Hopefully I can get all caught back up soon...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Candy Corn

The local UU is hosting a Witches' Ball on the 26th of this month, and I volunteered myself to make some prizes for the costume contest...

I had (have) such a blast on Ravelry trolling for cute amigurumi to make.  I think we narrowed it down to 4, but I'm pretty sure I'll find a way to sneak in some more.

So here's the first one done:

I never get tired of saying how cute these little guys are!

This is the awesome Kawaii Candy Corn  pattern by Karla Fitch of Itsy Bitsy Spider Crochet.

Really! They look good enough to eat!

I used Red Heart Super Saver yarn in Bright Yellow, and Soft white, and a mystery acrylic for the orange-y middle.

All packaged up and ready to go...

These were so much fun to make, and quick, too.  Now, on to prize number two!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


The Ponderer and I have been considering sacred space, specifically the lack there of, where we are living right now.  Feeling bereft of a place at home to hold rituals or meditations, and enjoying time spent outside, we looked around the yard to see if there was a spot to make a little altar.

Note the mysterious hole at the base of the outcropping...

This little outcropping has always intrigued me, but the vegetation was always a little too thick, and the fear of poisonous snakes a little too strong for me to investigate much as a little girl.  But not so, now!  Erosion has changed the landscape just enough for us to crunch our way through the leaves and brush to peek a little more closely.

We spent about an hour removing downed limbs and pulling out the Lonicera Japonica that has been trying to take over.  While I do have qualms about just ripping stuff out of the landscape to suit my (many) whims, I just feel that some invasives like this one, should be eradicated.  Shoot, four New England states have declared it some kind of noxious weed, so I feel absolutely no guilt to rip, rip, rip.

Well, a little bit more back to the topic...

A rock accidentally fell in front of it, so we'll see if it's being actively used!

There is ample room to put out a few candles, make a cairn or two...even arrange a seating area.  I'm so grateful for another opportunity to help create and hold sacred space for our little family.