Thursday, October 11, 2012

Candy Corn

The local UU is hosting a Witches' Ball on the 26th of this month, and I volunteered myself to make some prizes for the costume contest...

I had (have) such a blast on Ravelry trolling for cute amigurumi to make.  I think we narrowed it down to 4, but I'm pretty sure I'll find a way to sneak in some more.

So here's the first one done:

I never get tired of saying how cute these little guys are!

This is the awesome Kawaii Candy Corn  pattern by Karla Fitch of Itsy Bitsy Spider Crochet.

Really! They look good enough to eat!

I used Red Heart Super Saver yarn in Bright Yellow, and Soft white, and a mystery acrylic for the orange-y middle.

All packaged up and ready to go...

These were so much fun to make, and quick, too.  Now, on to prize number two!

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