Thursday, October 4, 2012


The Ponderer and I have been considering sacred space, specifically the lack there of, where we are living right now.  Feeling bereft of a place at home to hold rituals or meditations, and enjoying time spent outside, we looked around the yard to see if there was a spot to make a little altar.

Note the mysterious hole at the base of the outcropping...

This little outcropping has always intrigued me, but the vegetation was always a little too thick, and the fear of poisonous snakes a little too strong for me to investigate much as a little girl.  But not so, now!  Erosion has changed the landscape just enough for us to crunch our way through the leaves and brush to peek a little more closely.

We spent about an hour removing downed limbs and pulling out the Lonicera Japonica that has been trying to take over.  While I do have qualms about just ripping stuff out of the landscape to suit my (many) whims, I just feel that some invasives like this one, should be eradicated.  Shoot, four New England states have declared it some kind of noxious weed, so I feel absolutely no guilt to rip, rip, rip.

Well, a little bit more back to the topic...

A rock accidentally fell in front of it, so we'll see if it's being actively used!

There is ample room to put out a few candles, make a cairn or two...even arrange a seating area.  I'm so grateful for another opportunity to help create and hold sacred space for our little family.

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