Thursday, November 1, 2012


scones.  Pumpkin scones.

I may have to make these every day!

I'm not a fan of pumpkin pie, but I love, love, love these scones!  They are sooo easy to make, too.

Recipe here:

So good with coffee or tea, especially when served on cute china!*

I did change the spice ingredients to be more like what Mom uses in her pie (which people tell me is fantastic!):

1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp cloves 
1/8 tsp allspice
very rounded 1/4 tsp ginger.

And for the spice glaze, which was the only glaze I dribbled on the scones, I added 3/4 teaspoon of vanilla.  It just tastes better with some vanilla in it.

*One day we received a mystery box sent from Florida from my paternal uncle.  In it was this little collection of Wedgwood china.  The tray and creamer are my favorites.  The teapot (my fave!!!) is from my maternal grandfather's collection.

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