Monday, December 24, 2012


Still clicking away, finishing up gifties.  I've so many to finish, and it's pointless to pretend that I will by tomorrow...LOL

But I did get Mom's Selbu Modern finished:

On a trip we made to Vermont years ago, I bought the yarns to make this.  Main color is The Fiber Company Canopy Fingering in Wild Ginger.  I had found some Koigu in a great variegated teal-y blue, but I ended up stealing it to start a pair of Hexagon socks, instead.  What I really had in mind when I first saw this great little hat was the remnant of some Cherry Tree Hill Super Sock Merino in Moody Blues. I just knew that there wasn't enough, and I consoled myself with the Koigu, leaving the yarn to marinate in the stash.   So I finally got brave enough to see if that was so.

I'm so glad that I had plenty to finish.  I think it turned out pretty well, especially since I don't really do colorwork all that much.  The stitches are pretty raggedy, I really think that the gauge is a little too loose for both yarns.  And there isn't enough time to do a wet block.  So I did a quick stream and wrapped it up.  I can't wait to see if Mom likes it!

I pretty much made the hat as written, only substituting a centered decrease in the second to the last round...I just think it's prettier that way.  You know, OCD and all.  :)

So back to the grindstone I go...My newest deadline now is New Year's...LOL

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