Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Morning Spent

I took advantage of this lovely, crisp morning to catch up on some knitting and visit with the chooks and kitty...

I've been missing the beauty and discipline that only a Starmore celtic cabled sweater can offer, so I've succumbed :

Why yes, that is Cromarty lying on the chair there.  I feel like I've been holding out on you...I've been working on the back for a couple of weeks and I hope to soon finish it.

Kitty, now called Calleigh has decided that I am indeed not the Antichrist, and will sit near me, and occasionally allow a quick pat, but only on her neck and back.  She lounged beside me and spent a fair bit of time with her toilet this morning.

She rather reminds me of a Renoir bather looking at the curve of her long, sinuous back.  She still longs to hug steal away the chickens. <sigh> Yet another reason why we have to keep them somewhat contained.

The girls have been exceedingly busy, giving us between 2 and 4 eggs daily.  Though they are likely to take the next day off, if I do get 4 eggs in a day.  The sweeties are still quite young, and working out their groove.  Right now we get  mostly medium eggs--almost large really, from the Australorps, and smalls from the Easter Eggers.  No matter the size, they are so, so, tasty.

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