Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rune Flags

I did actually iron them, but boy did they wrinkle back up.

The Ponderer had a great idea to mark the corners for ritual--Flags!  He volunteered to lead a ritual at his camp, and just wanted something special to mark the occasion.  It's the first time he's leading a ritual for someone besides family.

Ansuz, symbolizing air and the East.

He had ideas as to how they should look...Elder Futhark runes in more traditional colors associated with the Four Directions.  As purple is his favorite color right now, it would do for Center.

Kenaz, symbolizing fire and the South.

I had ideas as to what might be cute and easy to execute...fabric appliques affixed with double sided fusible web and edged with monofilament thread.  Sewn grommets for sturdiness, and mitered hems.

Laguz, symbolizing water and the West.

Luckily, most of them overlapped. LOL  Then we shopped for fabric.  Let me tell you, this is the second time he actually VOLUNTEERED for fabric shopping.  The first being the cushion covers and curtains for the camper.  I think he did a great job picking out the fabrics!  All are 100 % cotton. Lightweight twill for the flag backgrounds, and pretty batiks and tone on tones for the runes.

Isa, symbolizing earth and the North.

So we decided on a size for the flags, 24 inches x 24 inches. Then we drew out the Rune templates.  And then transferred them to the fusible web.

Some of these sewed a little easier than others.  You can tell I did the hems by eye.  

Then I worked out how I was going to do the grommets.  First I zig-zagged around the line for the hole, then I cut out the hole.  That looked kind of messy.  So I tried cutting out the hole first, and then zig-zaging around the hole, just shy of one side of it, so the threads would wrap nicely over the raw fabric edge.

For the grommets, I zig-zagged around the cut holes a few times.

That turned out pretty cool, eh?  Gladly, the Ponderer really likes them and is excited to take them with him as am I.  Having to stay home and mind chickens and (whats' left of) the garden, and really, because we could afford to only send one of us, I'll miss getting to see Vermont this year.

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