Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It's been a while, ですね?

The Ponderer has been away on vacation in Vermont, and I'm here, at home with the chickens and elderly mother.  The Eldress, herself, ever so slowly declines in her old age.  I'm grateful for everyday that she's here, and all that she is able to do for herself.

So that means that I don't get out as much to blog as I'd like.

I have been busy with a few things, though:

Meet Bob-omb...isn't he cute?

I used Wolfdreamer's pattern, and really enjoyed doing it.  This pattern was well written, easy and straight forward.  I stayed with the pattern for the most part, but did change the wind up key...

I inserted the hook into the place in the back of the body where I wanted the key to go, and pulled up a loop, leaving a generous tail.  Holding both the working and tail yarns, I then chained 10, and put the hook pack into the body just below the first insertion (making a loop from the chained sts), then chained 10 more chains.

Then, with only one strand, I sc around the chained loop 20 times, then sc 20 times around the second loop.  I secured the second chain with a slip stitch, and cut the yarn leaving a long tail.  I then wound the tail round the base of the loops that make the key, rather like winding the shank when sewing on a button.  I then tied it off, and buried the rest of the tail.

I also took her advice and filled Bob-omb with too old to eat dried beans put in a cut off sock (mismated, of course).  That way no stray beans would be tempted to try to migrate out.

I used mostly mystery yarns from the Eldress' stash, but I do know the grey yarn is Caron Simply Soft.  Luckily, she had a stash of felts to play with, too.  I chose to tack the eyes in place with a little bit of glue stick, and then sewed around the edges.  This wasn't as brilliant of an idea as I thought--it's hard to sew through gummy felt! LOL  Live and learn...

He's gone to live with a charming young man, who really enjoyed getting him.  I may have to make one for me, now! LOL

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