Sunday, March 18, 2012

The flowers that bloom in the spring...

I always look forward to the progression of flowers...mostly the tiny wildflowers that bloom in the grass.
The bluets are one of my faves,

The camera really doesn't do them justice, as I was fighting the last of the evening light.

Here is a freakish looking buttercup...sometimes they make 10(ish) petals.  I found quite a few sporting extra petals.

The johnny jump up's are really abundant this year, and look good with the bluets.

And lastly, this white violet.  Dad had planted one a loooong time ago, and it seeded off into the grass.  Every few years a white one will pop up from place to place.

Sometimes I wish for a more manicured look to the yard, but then I'd have to trade these little beauties in for monoculture...don't think so.  

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