Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day!

So, I've been thinking of the things that the Ponderer and I do to help Our Mother...

We have in the past:

composted our food waste

drove an economical car

did some recycling

bought used, when we could

picked up trash along the road

contributed monies to help the planet

planted trees

grew our garden organically

not watered the lawn

Which seems like a good place to start, but I feel that we can do sooo much more than what we do now.

What changes do you plan to make this year to help our planet and it's creatures?

I think we'll start with sorting out the recyclables better, and actually see them to the proper pick up place.  Then I plan to sew some shopping bags to keep in the car and my knitting bag.  Sew napkins.  Remember to turn off the &#&$ing light! Remember to carry a take out dish to the restaurant for left overs.

And I must try to remember that frugalness only has the stigma that I place on it....I do not need to buy,buy,buy.  Which can be very hard, when pretty yarns just beg to come home...

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