Friday, April 6, 2012

Where have you been?

So I know yesterday I rather gushed about the latest issue of Knitty, which I totally DO love, and makes me want to abandon everything else...but I do have some neat stuff on the needles that I feel I should finish first.

This is Willoughby by Jared Flood, from the book Made in Brooklyn.  I was gifted this great yarn a while back, which I am pretty sure is discontinued.  It's Vivant by Brunswick yarns, and is a wool/mohair blend.

Specifically 75% Australian Zephyr Virgin Wool, and 25 % Texas Kid Mohair.  Color is listed as Lt Grey Heather #2061 Lot # 4 833.  It is really wispy and light, soft to the hand, but just a little bit prickly to the neck. This yarn was tricky for me to wind, as the fibers had already begun to full together some.  So this yarn would have been great for felting.  I handle it pretty carefully, because of that, and also how delicate it looks. 

I'm kind of kicking myself some for putting this stole down…I've finished a few crochet projects and made some jewelry instead, and now it's been soo unreasonably warm, that I'll have to put it away for next year.  I've kinda been avoiding finishing, because there is an ever-so-slight jog at the center.  This stole is knitted from the center out, and the provisional cast on moves the picked up side over by 1/2 a stitch, which is maddening for me.  Ummm, I dunno what OCD is, why do you ask? LOL.  But I'm going to just suck it up and finish it, already.  Because I have some stash diving to do...

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