Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lost Hill ramble

The Ponderer and I took a nice stroll over at Lost Hill Natural Resource Area.  Not many people were out as it was so cool and kept looking like rain, which didn't really break my heart.  LOL. Sometimes I enjoy having the trails to myself to explore.

Sadly, these caves aren't open to exploration due to the white nose syndrome that's moving this way from New England.  I'm not sure if these have been colonized by the fungus yet,  or they're trying to prevent it, but I'd rather respect the signs posted, than risk losing any more bats.

There's a wet weather creek that runs beside the trail for a lot of the way, and I took the opportunity to walk through it.  The P-man thought it looked like what he imagines the lunar surface to be like.

aesculus glabra, or ohio buckeye

Not sure, but I think it might be black locust, or robinia pseudoacacia

podophyllum peltatum, or mayapple

There were lots of flowers to look at, and it was a good birding day, too.  I saw bluebirds, scissortail flycatchers, titmice, chickadees, goldfinches, cardinals, a kingfisher, heard woodpeckers, saw a great blue heron, vultures....whew!

Glad he stayed around long enough for me to snap a few pics!

And on the knitting front, I should finish Willoughby tomorrow, or late tonight.  Yay!

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