Monday, September 10, 2012

May I be eaten


Here's a Baby Cthulhu by Giulia.

I used Hobby Lobby's I Love This Yarn! in #789 Pistache.  The color is positively impossible to photograph...but this is fairly close.  In the sun, it looks like glow in the dark green! :)

The pattern was really fun to work, although I did do a few always...'cause I like to mess with stuff.  You know...right?

I lengthened the arms,  lengthened the middle tentacles, and added 2 more longer tentacles on the following round.

I looked through the animal eyes that I had, and all I had was yellow eyes with pupils.  I thought this little elder god needed green I got out the acetone free fingernail polish remover and got rid of the yellow paint.  I really have to remember to be more careful, as I marred the finish on one of the eyes and had to make a third.  I used some sparkly (!) dark green nail polish to give him the winkers he'll need to wreak havoc on all mankind.

I think they turned out pretty good, as did the rest of him.  He'll be on his way soon to terrorize make someone happy for their birthday.

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