Wednesday, September 12, 2012


morning I took a little ramble in the woods near  Senior's house.  It was a lovely little stroll, ambling here and there.  Soon, I heard scrabbling around me and noticed that I wasn't alone...

He was so cute, and I desperately wanted to be friends.  But off he scurried, up and up the tree.

I tried to pursue him as he fled...

I begged for him to slow down, that I just wanted to see him...

But whoosh, he leapt from tree to tree, and I followed, snap snap with my camera.

At last, I had him cornered.  He stood eyeing me.  Sizing me up, wondering if I could be a friend.

Amazingly, he let me hold him, however briefly.  I knew that he was a creature of the forest, and the forest was where he should be.  So off he went again...

Katsu, the ninja squirrel by Trish Young made with left over Lamb's Pride Worsted in M-07 Sable.  I embroidered his features with DMC Cotton Embroidery Floss in #310 (black) for the eyes, and #167 (a light, golden brown) for the nose and irises.

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