Sunday, March 17, 2013

Assorted mish-mash

The chicks had a restless night last night...they peeped and peeped at the thunder and lightning, so none of us got much rest.

I've been noticing that one chick in particular has been trying to perch on just about everything in their brooder...mostly their waterer.  So I dashed out in the rain to pick up some twigs for her to practice on.

Notice this little girl, fast asleep on her feet with her head on the twigs for support.  Not exactly what I had in mind! LOL

She's probably the friendliest of the girls right now...

Not really sure what breed she is...she came from the rainbow layer bin.  Can't wait to see her all grown up.

Been looking through our to find the starter trays...I know they're here somewhere! LOL

We've had some nice rains, so the earth should be soft enough to try and prepare for all these guys.

I also finished another ami--a depiction of my AD and D character, Stig.

He's pretty much like Bechin's pattern...with a few different mods.  More on that later.

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