Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Here's the Link I made from Becchin/Tanoushimo's cute is he?

Where's my hat?
Okay...what happened to my feet?

Here's a few stats:

My Link is about 6.375 inches tall with out his hat.

Head circumference is 7.75 inches just above his ears.

Outer diameter of hat is 9.5 inches and is about 2.5 inches tall.

Shield is 3.5 inches long x3 inches wide.

Sword is 4 inches long.

Sheath is 2 inches long.

I followed the pattern as written, using All About Ami's suggestions for the hat.  I also used her pattern for the shield....the shield! LOL Embroidery isn't one of my strong suits, but yeesh!  I ended up having to just cut tiny triangles from yellow felt and sewing them in place.  And I felt so smart and cool.  Only to realize that I had sewn the bottom triangle on upside down. :)  See?

And now it's fixed.  Yay!
Link's disappointed that his shield is wrong.


Shield back

Reworked shield

I was going to just leave it, but Link's sad face convinced me otherwise.

I used this pattern for the sword, and I whittled down a drinking straw to put inside it.  I thought that would be a bit safer than wire to make it more sturdy.

I ended up making up my own pattern for the sheath.  I liked AAA's and would have used that, but the sword wouldn't fit in it.  So here it is:

Crochet a chain long enough to go around the sword.  I think I did 8 sc in the chain. Join into ring, and sc in a spiral until long enough to span across Link's back diagonally from shoulder to hip.  Then for the strap, sc halfway around the next round, turn, * ch 1, sc 2. turn.  Repeat *in this fashion until strap is long enough to fit around the body.  Fasten off, and leaving a long tail for sewing, sew free end to opposite end of the sheath. Weave in ends.

I've found this pattern to be really inspiring.  Like I said before...the ball jointed head changes everything!  

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