Thursday, April 18, 2013


turned off rather dark and cold following the storms that rolled through during the wee morning hours.  It's so dark and cold, that I'm nearly pressed against the window glass to work on my paper piecing.

*Hot chocolate+hand sewing=love.

Though I am making a bit of progress...

Hmm...cocoa scented tea+hand sewing=love, too.  Does this make me fickle?

What is it? LOL...a dice bag.  In the shape of a D20.  Never mind the above photo makes it look more like something Darth Vader might fly around in.  I marked the zipper opening with contrasting thread.  You can see the zipper I picked out of the recycled zipper bag...though I'm wondering it it isn't a bit heavy for the little bag.  

It's hard to tell from the pic, but both sides of the zipper opening are sewn together, and I might work a bit more on placing the zipper later tonight.  It's so hard to work on this after the sun goes down.  Dark materials are getting harder and harder to work on with out natural light be it knitting, crocheting or sewing.  The joys of middle aged eyes, I suppose.

Ten of the twenty faces are sewn, so I'm halfway there.  Then comes the fun of embroidering on all the numbers.  I think I may have gone about that a little back-asswardly.  Maybe I should have embroidered the numbers on first, then sewn the faces together.  We'll see, soon.  :)  As for the embroidery,  I thought of just doing some back stitching, but I really like the whipped running stitch here.  

*<sigh>You'd think by now, I'd remember to not wear an orange t-shirt to take pics, but no.  I did.  And you can tell in the first pic that I did by the weird orange-y glare.

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