Saturday, April 20, 2013

Lemony lemon-ness

So I hung around the house and baked a little...

I found the recipe for this pretty "brownie" here.  After I saw it on Facebook, dontchaknow?

I must say that if you're zesting, try for organic lemons.

I have a few issues with the recipe, calls for about 4 2/3 tablespoons of lemon zest coming from 2 lemons.  Holy cow, they must have been the size of foot balls!  

Note that these aren't foot ball sized.  :s
An interesting factoid:  It's best to hand wash depression era glass, like the juicer there below.  Mostly to keep the surface of the glass from going cloudy.

These yielded about 2/3 cup of juice and 2 tablespoons zest.

I lined the pans with parchment for easier removal...and easier clean up.

After beating for 2 minutes, the batter got a little bit fluffy.  I could-a eaten it like it was!

Looks almost like frosting, no?

Here is is turned out onto a milk glass plate.  At this point I would eat it, but I wanted to try it with the glaze, first.

It's almost cheesecake like in texture!

Violets from the (pesticide/herbicide free) yard make a pretty, colorful and edible garnish.

Yep, I don't mind looking at the picture again, either. LOL


  1. So good! I had to make a batch myself yesterday, they are Chris's favorite.

  2. Oh yeah? I didn't think he could eat lemons? I bet yours was out-of-this-world delicious! :)
