Wednesday, April 10, 2013


For the past week, the cedar waxwings have been hanging around, gearing up for their trip back north for the summer.  The neighbor's crab apple trees have been a favorite stop for them...they've been munching down flower petals like potato chips, and in the process, pollinating the trees.  I'm sure the bees are really confused, I can hear them saying, "Wha?  That's our job!"

I usually notice them late in the winter, arriving in flocks of 20 or so.  They lurk about the yard, hunting for stray berries, and bathing in Dad's old fish pool.

But today, it was all about the crab apple trees.  They're not too clear in the below photo, but they're there.  And on the ground, looking for fallen petals, and I suppose, fruit.

I do have to apologize for the glare in these pics...I got the shots from the truck on the way out to go shopping.

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