Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tractors and Chooks

Don got the tractor started up today and did a little bit of plowing in front of the veggie patch.

Steady as she goes...

Isn't he cute?


My dad's old tractor still turns a nice furrow...

Freshly turned earth

Though the girls weren't too sure about all the racket--especially Baby Doll.

Boy oh boy, did she ever worry about that tractor!

The girls did enjoy being out in the run, even if it was kind of windy.  They've really feathered in nicely, and I forget that they're just 3 and 4 weeks old.  

Girls+General picking around

The General is becoming quite a handsome teenager...I can't wait to see him molt into his adult plumage.
Handsome 'roo

And Mei-Mei was really checking out the camera, and wondering if it was edible.

Are you food?  I'm hungry!

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