Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The buzz from the bees...and other stuff...

The sisters seem to tolerate the heat better than we...although it was a little disconcerting to see them lounging on their porch.

The Ponderer found the queen rather uneventfully, thank goodness, as brood production seems to be kind of slow....maybe it's the heat.

So far no honey production in the supers that were added a week or two ago...maybe we should consider putting food in the upper super again.

This year I'm sure is going to be another hard one for the sisters...last year most bee keepers that we talked to remarked about how very poor honey flows were.  Perhaps this year will be a ditto.  I just hope we can keep them alive and healthy until next spring.  

I got kind of brave and slowly eased my way down to get within 8 feet of the hive...these bees seem really rather docile.  Not one bothered to greet me.  Next time I'll scoot a little closer.  Our camera doesn't take near as nice a close up pic as Senior's camera.

In other news....

The hexagon sock is progressing nicely now; I'm ready to begin the heel portion.  I think I understand which hexes to pick up around to turn the heel...that's going to be fun!

For those who celebrate the 4th, I hope it's a fun and safe one!

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