Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday's mish-mash

So we actually got a little rain late last night!  Boy was I surprised to hear thunder...I had thought i was hearing fireworks, but then I noticed flashes of light accompanying the booms.  Cool!  We need every drop.  I think we got right around 1/10 of an inch...and just a tee tad more this afternoon.

The garden hasn't quite burnt up yet, and almost looks good from this angle...but I bet I'll be waiting until fall to finish the wattle fence at this point.  It's still too friggin' hot to do much else but complain about the heat! LOL

The crook-neck squash has completely over run its allotted space.  Didn't plan for that much expansion!

The slicing tomato's are finally beginning to show some color. Yippee!

And it looks like the sweet potatoes might recover from the ground hog's taste testing.

And on the knitting front, I've picked up another old WIP from the marooned basket.  These are Hexagon Socks from the Think Outside the Sox book.  I really enjoy working on these, but when I started them, it was too distracting to look at the pattern and listen to doctors. And keep Dad from falling out of bed.

The yarn is Koigu 424 lot 44.  I've got three skeins, and I wonder how much of it I'll use.  I've heard these are yarn eaters, and I'm thinking of shortening the leg.  I've got really stubby legs and long socks just look......wrong on me.

I love this construction, and hope to get these finished before ANOTHER year goes by.

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