Saturday, July 7, 2012


 I frogged out the heel cup that I knitted the other day.  I'm done sulking about it, and picked it back up.

So Ms Heel, we meet again.

I had forgotten to not pick up the stitches along the sides of the stretchy hexagons, and did it anyways.  So I'm trying it again...I think I may have got it right.  But I'm not weaving in any ends until I'm sure.

There's the gap that I should have left the other day...

Wish me luck with that one, eh?

 The Ponderer decided to put the feeder back on the bee hive.  While the sisters ARE growing in numbers, the weather has been soo poopy for flower production, he feared that the hive would lose strength and dwindle away.

The Ponderer feeding the sisters

These girls seem really even tempered...they hardly need any smoke to get some work done.  Of course they fly up and around him as he works, they don't really seem all that interested in stinging.

Today we found them lounging on their front porch again.  which is a great thing to be doing when it's hot.

Some of the girls hanging around

And now it's time for a quick dip in the pool...

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