Thursday, January 31, 2013

Glad to have

 a bit of spring to look at as the snow flies by the window!

Planted these pretties 12/27/12...a nice gift from a friend!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Quickie crochet project

I've been collecting crystals some, again, and wanted a little pouch to carry them around with me.
So I went into my sock yarn remnant box and found some of this Trekking XXL I had left.

Essentially, crochet 6 sc sts in magic ring, and increase incrementally to 42 sts total, and sc in rounds to desired length for placing eyelets…then sc 4,(chain two, skip 1 sc, sc 4)until last sts remain…it didn’t work out quite perfectly as I recall…then, sc around until final length. I finished with crab stitch (backwards sc). Then, sc chain to desired length and thread through eyelets.  I finished mine attaching the end of the cord with a sc and sl and tied off and wove in the ends.  The other end I just tied into 2 overhand knots, one on top of the other.
Easy peasy.  And surprisingly roomy.  The pouch measures right around 2 inches long, and about 1.5 inches across, filled.

Close up of the closure

Friday, January 25, 2013


I've been in a mood to doodle a bit...

It's been close to two decades since I've done much in the way of drawing.  Too many things compete for my attention, I guess. :)  Barbara Sher has a term  for that...Scanners.  Who knew?  I figured I was the only freak who couldn't choose.  LOL.  Sometimes, well a lot of times, I just want to Do All The Things.  And end up doing None Of The Things.  But that's a post for another day...

It's more fun to look at doodles!


Graphite on card stock...actually #2 pencil on notecard back


Graphite on card stock...more #2 pencil and the other half of the note card back

I worked both of these little doodles while waiting for dinner to cook on their respective days.  They make nice memories of afternoons spent outdoors watching Nature.  Another thing I intend to do more of this year.

Since I've been away from sketching for so long, I've been working from pictures.  I find that the visualization is there...but I have to train my hand to my eye, again.  Next step is learning to paint!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Altar space

This is my altar for Brigid and eventually, Imbolc.  I really felt called to make one in Her honor, and to meditate on Her for 19 nights, just as Her priestesses did then, and now

Most items on the altar are in threes, multiples of three or single items.

The altar's center in late afternoon light.

First is a cauldron, a representative of Her well, with a candle inside it.  I should mention that Don and I live with my mom, who is on oxygen all the time, so I can't actually burn incense or candles in the house.  So all "lit" candles are LED ones.  The remainder are reminders of the flame of inspiration that dwells in each of us.  I might actually replace these with LED tea lights, I can't decide.  


Triskele, acorns, and tisane, hiding behind the broach.

Oaks and blackberries are sacred to Brigid, and I went out in the yard and foraged some goodies to add to the cauldron.  9 oak leaves and 3 acorns were placed--6 in the cauldron, and 3 around the back, and the acorns scattered around.  I wove a triquetra from the brambles  I collected and put them on the poetry volumes.

stones, acorns, cherrybark extract, and water goblet.

Surrounding the cauldron are 19 stones, one each to represent her priestesses who kept (keep) her sacred flame alight. 9 are green and are healing in nature, 10 are red or orange and are the sunniest ones in my collection. I also added a clear quartz for Brigid herself in the center of the triquetra.

Bramble triquetra...yes, the thorns did bite, a little.

Years ago I made a Brigid's cross from wheat stems, and it sits next to the cauldron. 

Crafty libation corner. 

There is a cow shaped vessel (meant for cream, really) for her association with cattle and agriculture.  I placed an offering of milk and berries, which I change daily.  I plan to offer different foods/libations as time passes towards Imbolc.  A small goblet of water sits on the other side of the cauldron.  

It is well known that Brigid is a healing goddess, and I put several little tokens of healing on my altar.  A salve that I made with our UU pagan group, a tisane , and an extract. I also tucked in some healing herbs into the cow creamer, and added a sachet of lavender (that makes 3 healing plant items) to the far left side.  Putting out handkerchiefs or other cloths is traditional on the night before Brigid's day to receive healing blessings, and I plan to knit such a special square.  The yarn I've chosen is on the altar now. 

So grateful to Don for letting me steal his Rumi volume.

Brigid is the goddess of smith-craft, and of household-craft.  I've put many different items to represent Her influence:
  • My metal working tools
  • A hand-sewn pincushion with needles and pins
  • Knitting needles
  • Crochet hooks
  • A spindle from my spinning wheel
  • My own hands-spun wool (ewe's are sacred to Brigid, too) yarn 
  • The triskele I made myself
  • A pewter triskele broach
  • A hand-pieced herb/spice pillow
Right side view.

Brigid is also the inspiration for many poets, and I have included some poetry books, mostly earth psalms and prayers, along with my husband's beloved Rumi collection.  Candles, as I mentioned before, are placed around for "her fire of inspiration"--even if they have to be battery operated.  

Handmade triskele.  Next time, I should find my anvil.

I'm sure I might find some other little treasures to put on the altar before Imbolc comes, but this is what's there as of Jan 18, 2013.

Biodh sé amhlaidh.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

One can tell

just how cold it's been...

                 by how many pairs of handknit socks are hung up to dry.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Feathery Visits

While I was out taking pics of the l'il dragon this past weekend, I became aware of some noise.  Lots of birdie noise.  There are quite a few birds at Chéz Hélène (we feed all year), so hearing birdsong isn't that unusual.

But I was surprised at just how many, and whom...

Robins. Cedar waxwings.

Sadly, I didn't get too many pics of all the flapping about and stuff.  My little camera just can't take that kind of shot.  That, and I was completely wrapped up in the experience :)

The whole yard and house were strewn with birds, either bathing, drinking, and/or hunting worms and berries.  They lounged in trees and perched on gutters, waiting their turn for drinks.  Some enjoyed a cold bath provided by trickling icicles:

We had just enough ice to make the trees all pretty:

 Seeing the waxwings made my day(s)...I don't notice them much until winter's end (Could this be a sign?  This early?).  And getting to watch them hang around with the robins was fun.  I've been noticing flocks of robins about since November.  They tend to appear en masse just before precipitation occurs, and they stay around until the earth dries up again.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


 Here's the first FO of 2013:

This pattern by Lucy Red Heart Super Saver acrylic in Cherry.

I pretty much followed the pattern through, except for the spines.  I added at least one more chain, and when the pattern says to skip a chain, I skipped two.  That way, the spines were a little more pointy.

He turned out to be longer than what the pattern estimated--he's about 16 inches long, uncurled.  The pattern estimates a finished length of 12 inches.  I do like that he has a really long tail. :)

I used a light yellow-green embroidery floss for his eyes, rimmed with dull, olive green floss.   Black pupils, and cream colored floss for claws.  DMC cotton mouliné, not sure about color numbers.

I'm thinking that I'll have to make one for myself in another color...hmmm  :)

Friday, January 4, 2013


Yule knitting continues...

watching for promised snow

I made hats for two really lovely girlfriends.  Another Laurel for D, in easy care acrylic.  I'm kind of fond of I Love This Yarn, though I bet it's going to be a bit pill-y.  In #294 Mixed Berry:

 Then I knitted a Habitat, also by Jared Flood for her partner B.  B has wool allergies, so I got another skein of I Love This Yarn, this time in #293 Purple:

These are both great patterns: easy to knit, easy to look at.  I've already got at least 2 more Habitats in queue. 

 Hope your New Year rang in nicely.