Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Feathery Visits

While I was out taking pics of the l'il dragon this past weekend, I became aware of some noise.  Lots of birdie noise.  There are quite a few birds at Chéz Hélène (we feed all year), so hearing birdsong isn't that unusual.

But I was surprised at just how many, and whom...

Robins. Cedar waxwings.

Sadly, I didn't get too many pics of all the flapping about and stuff.  My little camera just can't take that kind of shot.  That, and I was completely wrapped up in the experience :)

The whole yard and house were strewn with birds, either bathing, drinking, and/or hunting worms and berries.  They lounged in trees and perched on gutters, waiting their turn for drinks.  Some enjoyed a cold bath provided by trickling icicles:

We had just enough ice to make the trees all pretty:

 Seeing the waxwings made my day(s)...I don't notice them much until winter's end (Could this be a sign?  This early?).  And getting to watch them hang around with the robins was fun.  I've been noticing flocks of robins about since November.  They tend to appear en masse just before precipitation occurs, and they stay around until the earth dries up again.

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