Monday, July 1, 2013

So there's a bit to catch up on

...perhaps not a lot of hijinks were had, but I did make a few things.  Sometimes even though the depression I feel tends to rob me of my ability to socialize, it rarely leaves me totally unable to create.

I did a bit of sewing.  The DH has been gently reminding nagging me that I need some new clothes.  I'm really surprised that I've not made it to "What Not To Wear", yet!  LOL  Jeans and T-shirts are de rigueur to camouflage  my zaftig frame.  Instant anonymity.

Once in a while I'll "shop" around on the 'net to scope out some cute togs.  I totally love this page...the smocks are to die for!  I love, love, love smocks.  I really think the printed jeans are fun, but I wore those a long time ago in high school.  This page, too, has some really cute stuff, but I wouldn't actually wear that out of the house.  Much to the chagrin of DH, he really likes cute feminine things on me.

Anyways, what did I sew?

Smocks!  Of course!

These are McCalls #5665.  Sadly, recently discontinued.  Though you can see it here.  I did view "A" with "B"s under sleeve.  I just didn't feel the poofy sleeves.  For the lavender version, I just put the button fronts on the fold using the extra yardage that would have gone to the button plackets and that made the front ruffle a bit fuller.   I'm thinking I might make one more iteration--mostly to copy this one:

It's really rather like the lavender one, save the button placket goes through the yoke and the sleeves are different.  And I've got very similar fabric. :)

So here's a peek at the sleeves:

A cute, ruffled bottom...much better than that pouf!  Though I'm not showing you the gaffe at the top of the sleeve.  Let's just say that one should really pay attention to the sewing before one takes the scissors and grades the sleeve cap seams.  <sigh> Yep, sliced right through some of the sleeve head on the right sleeve.  So I darned it, after I darned it some more and went on.

I'm working through that stack of fabric from a few posts ago.  There's a bit to catch up on yet, so see you later!

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