Monday, June 25, 2012

At least the goose (or chicken) isn't cooked...yet.

Boy it's really been hot the last few days (weeks, really, on and off), and I've been thinking about how the Girls will handle it.  The temp today is supposed to be right around 100 degrees F (which it did, UNOFFICIALLY at our house).  That's miserably hot.  For people, plants, and animals.

The new shade looks kind of rag-tag, but it works

I did a little research for some ideas to help keep the Girls through dangerously high temps.  Most of the suggestions offered were:

  • Make sure there's plenty of shade---check!
  • Make sure to provide adequate water---check!
  • Provide good ventilation---check!
  • Offer cooling snacks like cucumber or cabbage leaves--check!
  • Offer jugs of ice for lounging on---check!
  • Place a fan, if able--check!

Here you can see the fan and jug of ice...

With those ideas in mind, we went to work to see what will work. I sewed new shade cloths made from old twin size bedsheets.  I added rod pockets to place the old broom and mop handles that we've been saving to use as supports.  Then we propped them up like struts so the breeze can more easily pass through.

Here's the Girls snuggling up to the jug of ice.

A small clip-on fan was added to blow down on the area that the girls like to lounge in.  And lastly, I pulled a jug of frozen water for them to lay by/on.  They really didn't know what to think of it at first, but I'm glad to see them laying beside it.

See? They're just sure it's nuclear waste!

I took a cucumber and chopped it up and put it in the tractor....Every new thing that they encounter always comes with this look like--really?  Space debris?  Nuclear waste?  What is it?  But after a few pecks, they were happily snacking away.

Now they'll have a nibble or two...

For the Girls and the plants and people's sakes, I hope the heat wave passes...and quickly!

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