Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Remember the chickens?

So I've gotten a little behind posting about the chicks chickens.  They've really grown quite a bit, but aren't quite full size, yet.  More like mini chickens.  They sleep out in the tractor full time now, and graze in the chick sitter during the day.  Soon, the big run will be done, and then they'll have a lot more space to stretch their (growing) legs.

The Easter Eggers have turned out a lot differently than I thought they would.  I'm definitely not experienced enough to predict color patterns based on chick coloration--LOL.

Here's some recent pics (6/3):

Lily would rather plot her escape
Violet just didn't want to look at the camera

Iris still has quite a bit of baby fuzz

Rose is our biggest girl

The girls do love to graze...

Like all chickens, they really enjoy combing the grass for interesting tidbits, and now they've really developed a taste for mulberries.  I bet I could teach them tricks if I used a mulberry as a reward!  

Soon, I'll post new pics of the garden.  It really looks like one, now.  This week has marked the arrival of japanese beetles, so we've increased our garden surveillance.  We garden as organically as we can--we use soapy water for spraying insects (if it comes to that), and we try to choose the most natural fertilizer we can find (we use it as sparingly as possible,too).  I've found that plain old handpicking seems to go the farthest to check infestations of undesirable bugs.  I'm sure that the broccoli plants have tired of me constantly brushing off cabbage looper eggs.  

At some point I'll be able to pick up my needles again...I really miss knitting.

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