Tuesday, June 12, 2012

*Ramble on!

We had quite the little scare when we were told that our queen may have vamoosed for other parts.  Whew!  What a relief to find her safe in the hive.  And laying!

Look at that drone!

The frames are filling albeit slowly, but I'll take any progress at this point.  We were really late in the year getting this nuc, but I bet they will be okay now.  Russian bees have the reputation for building populations rapidly (and swarming, which isn't a surprise, really.).  

Can you tell the brood from the capped honey?  

Don tells me that they were quite a bit more aggressive with him today, than they have been yet, and I'll take that as a sign that they are moving in to stay.  

Don inspecting the frames.

*Extra points if you can figure out why I chose this post title...I'll give you a hint...It's from a Led   Zeppelin song.

--edited to add--changed caption of first pic to say that that is a drone, not a queen.  Oops.

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