Monday, June 18, 2012

Ewe spin me...

right round, like a record, baby....well at least like a ladybug,right?....right?

I spent the day with a friend attending the monthly meeting of the Country Heritage Spinning and Weaving Guild.  They meet the 3rd Monday of the month in Mansfield, Mo.  What a nice and welcoming group of ladies who like to spin and weave and knit and crochet!

I started the meeting working on the Ponderer's sad, and neglected remember the poor little sweetpotato sock?  I'm hoping to finish it in the next couple of weeks so he has them ready to take them camping.  Too bad I forgot to take a pic of them...

My friend J--- brought her Kiwi and spun up some cute merino fiber.  She weaves and knits and crochets, too.  Lurve that!

I brought some Frabjous Fibers blue faced leicester in Purple People Eater to work on.  I really have no idea what I'm doing with this fiber.  My dream is to be able to spin my own sock yarn, but I know I have a LOOOONG way to go before that happens.  There's about 8 ounces of this yummy deliciousness to spin, and I hope that I can at least learn some consistency.

I'm glad I got to spend the day surrounded by a lot of great fiber and good fellowship!

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