Saturday, June 16, 2012

You mean there really IS knitting here?

I've been so busy chasing after chickens, pulling weeds, and making earrings that I haven't really knitted anything at all.  I've been missing it, along with doll crafting, so I took out some of my handspun  yarn and knitted this little shrug for the barbies.

Some day I'll properly introduce you to's not something I talk about a lot, as I feel kind of sheepish telling folks that I knit, crochet and sew for my dolls.  I am an adult, and most adults put away their childhood toys--you know?

Anyways, here's what I cobbled together:

I had really been trying to spin some sock yarn with this fiber which I just can't remember the name of right now.  It's more of a sport weight, and I only spun enough to make a sample.  Then I got busy with other stuff and just didn't come back to it.  You know how it goes.  

It only took just a few minutes to have that sample knitted up...I had hoped there'd be enough for a vest or sweater, but I like the way it turned out as a shrug.

These pics are of it unblocked.  It looks a bit better all blocked out.

I think the girls are really going to enjoy having it in their wardrobe come fall.

Now I'm going to be hunting around to see if I can find any more samples lying around and make some more.

I've got three other dolls requesting one of their own.

This last picture shows the shrug all blocked out.  Hmmm time to go fiber stash diving........

Edited to add: the fiber in question was Scarlet Fleece Hand Dyed Roving in the Olives and Pimento colorway.  

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