Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Because I need another distraction!

I recently went through one of my UFO boxes, and discovered that I started a really cute sweater and never finished it (see this post).

detail of sleeve center

detail of center panel

So off I go, knitting away on it.  Sorta...After several minutes of comparing and hunting through the directions.    And now I know why I might have put it down for a while.  Written out pattern directions. <sigh>  I really like charted out directions since they are soo much easier to see and figure out where you stopped.

sleevage!  guess who won't be going to sleeve island?

back...I've a long way to go...

I hope I have enough to finish this...I saw that Ravelry's entry listed this as discontinued......really?  Oi.  It's Peaches and Creme...in the soft ecru colorway.  My ball band lists it as color number 4 and I assume  that the new one is 01004.  I'll be bringing one of my balls into the ye-olde-mart to do some guerrilla comparing.  Not sure what I'll do if there isn't anymore to be found around here...

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