Friday, June 29, 2012

Puttin' a fork in these Sweet 'Taters

There done! Done! Done!  No more pitiful, begging eyes of the Ponderer asking me when there going to be finished!

These are the Riverbed Master Pattern from Cat Bordhi's book.  I've made this architecture before, and the Ponderer really seems to like them, as he insisted on a second pair just like the first.  But I made a few changes from the first pair...

Firstly, I tried out an eye of the partridge heel.  Which doesn't look all that partridge-y.  Perhaps I made some errors in how I slipped the stitches, but it looks cool, just the same.

While I kept the cuffs the same, using a k2, p2 ribbing,  I chose to knit the last round k1, p1.  Then I slipped all the knit stitches onto one needle, and the purl stitches onto another and grafted them closed.  It makes such a nice edge.  With the first pair, I used EZ's sewn off binding, also another nice edge.

I used 2 skeins of Koigu KPPPM  P601  lot 36.  I have just enough yarn left to darn them, if necessary.

The Ponderer is thrilled with them, so I am, too.  I feel soooo bad for taking more than a year to finish them.  And of course, props to him for modeling them for me in 100+ deg F heat.

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